Such is the case with fruit flies, where the phytosanitary and consumers' quality demands are extreme. Consumers' preference and expectations are strict and precise; No fruit fly sprays, Zero fruit fly infestation, and Zero chemical residues. If we want to build a high quality, long-term – profitable - export operation, we must acknowledge that fruit flies are a significant obstacle, which is of unique importance [>><<]. You will never reach high quality sustainably and continuously export if fruit flies are not effectively managed! This is so fundamental that most importers keep away from countries where fruit flies are not exceptionally well managed, mostly under a nationally approved System Approach method. The equation is simple; No effective fruit fly management = No (or limited) export. An effective fruit fly management is most often the result of a System Approach, resulting from the value chain Integration Level. The Integration Level graph presents why exporters based on the Individual Approach, e.g., Africa and Asia, are no match to exporters based on higher-value chain integration levels, e.g., Europe and America. As explained, fruit fly control requires a System Approach operation, which is easier to apply with a high level of value chain integration, and very difficult with the Individual Approach. The Integration Level graph predicts why Mangoes, Avocadoes, etc., sourced from markets characterized by low integration of the value chain, will produce lower-quality fruits and, hence, get a lower price per kg, translated to an increased risk for all parties involved. Currently, the ability to achieve perfect fruit fly control poses the most significant challenge the Mango value chain faces on its way to increasing the quality, and consequently, the export volume. The same is true with avocadoes and other fruits. WHY LEADING? Like a Swiss watch, when the Comprehensive or the Integrative Approaches are appropriately applied, the entire value chain is synchronized and can function well, and present far better business performance. In a Comprehensive or Integrated market, you find Top Players, such as the State’s Agriculture Ministry, Exporters, Importers, and Packinghouse, leading the efforts to combat fruit flies. Why? Their purpose is clear, to increase Quality, Quantity, and Availability (QQA) for export markets [>><<]. It happens when a Top Player understands that - when farmers cannot supply the required quality and quantity, then his business is in great pain and suffers a lot. This moment of revelation, truth discovery, and reality acceptance, is the begging of a tremendous change that is about to come. You finally accept the reality that you will never succeed without taking “personally” Extreme Responsibility on farmers' affairs, including the problems they are facing. So when a stakeholder in Mango, Avocado, or other crops, contacts me saying: "the farmers supplying me with the fruits are having quality issues. It is a result of the technical problem of not being able to cope with fruit flies. Please help them to fix it." My reply is always the same: "The farmers' technical problems are your business problems. If you want to solve your business problem, you should be ready to take full and extreme responsibility of the farmer's problem. From now on, his problems are your problems, and hence you will relate to him as if he is an extension of your operation. You are one – tightly coupled operations with a common goal." ADVANCEMENT AND PROGRESS REVOLVES AROUND QUALITY Biofeed's mission is "to enable consumers to enjoy better and healthier food and life, while growing produce in a safe, eco-friendly environment, and improving farmers' livelihood." Green Valley [>><<] is Biofeed's way to ensure that consumers will get the best experience when buying and consuming a mango, avocado, or other fruit, that came from a farm where our technology, protocol, or knowhow are used. To achieve this, we see quality as the cornerstone of our activities and the main one related to fresh fruits' export. In the case of Mangoes and Avocadoes, which are the current focus of Biofeed's professional and business interest and global activities, the need to effectively manage fruit flies is the HARD PREREQUISITE concerning export. In my view; IF fruit flies are not effectively managed, through a Total System Approach protocol. THEN, it indicates that the business risks of exporting from that country will be too high and too costly for agri-business operation there. This is the cue for companies, including Biofeed, to be careful, and often will drive them away from such a risky fruit export market. EXPORT CAN BE EASY The Green Valley [>><<] concept is designed to be "easy to implement and use." It can be divided into separate self-contained parts that eventually can be consolidated or integrated into a whole program, dealing with the entire value chain's best interest, including consumers! The Green Valley concept is built by starting with the most critical element, a technical one, the fruit fly management. After that, it adds more layers and more value until reaching the final goal of satisfied consumers. Layers of the Green Valley: ♦ Fruit Fly Certified Trade Zone (FFCTZ). The purpose of the FFCTZ is to make sure that "fruit flies infestation and insecticides residue are not a problem anymore." FFCTZ combines - (a) in-depth knowledge and understanding of fruit fly ecology used for designing the FFCTZ. (b) a state of the art, non-spraying fruit fly control technology, the FreeDome. (c) intensive fruit flies' population and infestation monitoring scheme. The outcome is a disruptive protocol, simple, fast, and cost-effective to apply, yet resilient even to extreme conditions and situations. More advantages of the FFCTZ, see [>><<]. ♦ Total Quality Management (TQM) approach – Green Valley model considers the entire value chain's quality as part of its responsibility. Just like with FFCTZ, this part, too, is designed and adjusted according to the need of each operation. ♦ Quantity – to be profitable, there is always a need to ensure that the quality yield per hectare is high enough, and when needed to increase it. A too low yield per hectare may doom the entire operation due to a lack of economic viability. ♦ Marketing to Consumers – this is the purpose of all efforts; to export a high volume of high-value fruits to premium markets. The Green Valley brand name represents our values, assures the high qualities we are proud of, and resonance well with consumers' desires in premium markets. Biofeed's business view is holistic and complete end-to-end. We believe in doing good by assisting our business partners in running profitable businesses according to the value chain integration level they choose. When you collaborate and work with Biofeed, you increase your value chain integration, increase mutual trust and commitment of partners in the value chain, improve your produce quality, and consequently, the volume exported. Furthermore, thanks to the Green Valley brand, you will increase the value of each kg mango, avocado, or other produce you are selling. If you like this concept and you relate to it, then we should talk. |